Gabriel Batistuta—indomitable warrior, tenacious in his quest and loyal of heart
Gabriel Batistuta—The Lord of the hearts
News archive
HURRAH!!! Today our web page was opened!
It’s opening was coursed by the sad fact of insufficiency of information about Bati. Now a great number of FANS and just fans of Batigoal has no access to the free information of their idol. And this is incorrect radically :-(((. Sure, it’s possible to cite as an example the banal phrase “that man who is looking will always find”, but the majority of supporters today (pity) are lazy… All that people, with whom I communicated with lately (starting from the time of Bati’s signature with Al-Arabi (QAT)) don’t know much about what is happening with him now… They are the persons, who are having their idol… And what to say about ordinary lovers of football, who know, that Gabriel Batistuta finished his performance in Internazionale and lost his sight completely… Recently I heard the phrase “Batistuta? He has finished already!». But HAVE HE FINISHED??? Those, who know about his career in Qatar say: “Qatar… is it football?”. We don’t have the aim to make somebody to change his the mind, but in Qatar do play a lot of other great figures in the world football, don’t they? Аnd after all Bati, Batigoal has exactly became the best bomber in ALL the history of Qatar… We just want to restore the equity—how it can be called—Batistuta was playing in Italy: «Bati is a fine fellow, hero» etc. and when he left Italy have forgot about him??? What, have forgot how he literally was tearing the best defenses of the world??? Have forgot his magnificent goals??? Have forgot about him at all??? HAVE FORGOT??? Dolefully…
In general, summarizing everything up, our aim is to deliver the latest news to you—dear FANS of Bati, who do still believe in him (though there are also such ones who stopped) and to the ordinary lovers of football too . We would be very glad, if someone would be interested in it and we will be really useful to someone…
Yeah… actually, with the full confidence, it can be said that Bati WILL NOT move to Barcelona… ;-( . And what a cool beginning it had… But Laporta has his own point of view. So to say “Giraffe is big, he can see everything better”. No comments… Suddenly Bati ceased “not being suitable” for the definition of the “collision forward” that is necessary for Barca now, аnd Carew—the same they need…
We had the illusion again of Bati turning back to Boca...however, they disappeared when Mauricio Macri (Boca Jrs´s president) said it was impossible…he also added “Martin Palermo is bigger idol than Batistuta”…Anyway…who wouldn´t like to see BATIGOL with the “Blue and Golden” Shirt?
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