Gabriel Batistuta—indomitable warrior, tenacious in his quest and loyal of heart

Made in Ukraine and Kirgizia

                 Gabriel Batistuta—The  Lord of the hearts




In this part of the site you can find the links on the video files that are situated on this site. To see the links on the video clips that are situated OUT of site, visit THE FORUM PAGE. If you have any information about the place of video clips, which has not been named, we ask you to put the links on the forum


Þ Thank you, Bati - Bait’s goals with the music of Ocean Elzy “Viola”.  To get this video please download 3 parts (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) (or here), then unpack it in one folder and follow the installation. Video size9,7 MB.

Þ The video of award of Bati-goal in the senate of Buenos Aires 23.06.2005. Video size755 KB.

Þ The interview of Batistuta in the city of Perth (Australia). Video size1,8 MB.

Þ The video of the shot of Bati-goal over himself in the match of the Qatar league. Video size489 КB.

Þ The video of the first Maradona’s TV show. Batistuta is taking part as one of the guests. Video size—489 KB.

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